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What makes these houses “green?”

The houses are built to last and to keep occupants healthy. We use materials with minimal allergens, provide a steady supply of fresh, filtered air into the house and exhaust stale air out of the house; all of which help maintain good indoor air quality.


The houses are totally run with electricity, so no gas of any kind is burned on site. This reduces indoor pollutants, and virtually eliminates any risk of carbon monoxide in the home.


These houses are designed to require about ⅓ the energy of a typical new home in our region, and most or all of that energy will be provided with a solar energy system. Each home comes with an energy monitoring system, so homeowners can see how much electricity their home is consuming and how much energy is being produced by the solar panels.

What is zero net energy?

A zero net energy home produces as much energy in a year as it consumes. Creating a home capable of zero net energy operation begins with designing the house to need as little energy as possible, and then using a renewable energy system (in our case, a roof-mounted solar photovoltaic array or a subscription to a solar garden) that can produce as much energy in a year as the house is estimated to consume in a year with normal operation. 


Green New Deal Homes are all electric, and rely on solar photovoltaic systems (“PV”) to produce renewable electricity for each home. The PV system is usually an array of panels mounted to the roof of the home.

Interested in learning more about zero energy? Start here:

How are the homes built?

We create a super-energy efficient building using durable, proven materials and assemblies; and we pay careful attention to water management for the building and the land around it. The design and construction of each home keeps you comfortable all year with just a small, highly efficient heating and cooling system. 


For the energy and building geeks out there, here’s some information on the assemblies and systems in each home:

  • R-20 (min) insulated foundation walls

  • R-20 sub-slab insulation

  • Framed walls: R-21 cavity insulation and R-15 continuous exterior insulation

  • R-77 attic insulation

  • Triple-glazed windows

  • Air source heat pumps for heating and cooling

  • Heat pump water heaters

  • Energy recovery mechanical ventilation


And for those interested in the design process that leads to a zero energy home, here is a link to a good description of the approach:

How do I know if I qualify for a subsidy?

We’ll be creating guidelines about income qualifications and our subsidies that will be available on our website. Until then, please let us know of your interest by filling out our contact form.

Can I buy one of these homes before it is completed?

Some homes will be advertised for sale while still under construction. Check the Projects section of our website to learn about homes available for sale. Let us know of your interest by filling out our Contact form.

What is it like inside the house?

All Green New Deal Homes have a bright and open feeling that comes from a thoughtful layout of space. All homes have entries with a closet and coat hooks, and plenty of room for boots and other things that need storage in our cold climate. Living spaces are designed to make it easy for people to gather. Well-placed windows bring the most light into the areas where you spend most of your time. Spaces are cozy in the winter time and cool and comfortable in the summer time.

I have a piece of property. Can I have a Green New Deal home built on it?

Yes, you can. You bring us the information about your site, and we can determine which GNDH models would be appropriate for that site. Together we decide which of the site-appropriate models would suit your needs. We can help you find a builder, or we can work with a builder you’ve already selected.

What is the Green New Deal?

The Green New Deal refers to a vision for a massive transformation and mobilization within our society and our economy resulting in policy, programs, legislation, action, and the rapid deployment of resources to achieve the following five goals: 


  1. achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions through a fair and just transition for all communities and workers;

  2. create millions of good, high-wage jobs; and ensure prosperity and economic security for all people of the United States;

  3. invest in the infrastructure and industry of the United States to sustainably meet the challenges of the 21st century;

  4. secure clean air and water, climate and community resilience, healthy food, access to nature, and a sustainable environment for all;

  5. promote justice and equity by stopping current, preventing future, and repairing the historic oppression of frontline and vulnerable communities. 

In other words, the goals of the Green New Deal represent both what is needed to effectively address climate change and what is needed to transform our current economy to one that is just, prosperous, and sustainable for all Americans.


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